Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dinner and Hair-cut, Courtesy of Friends

Halloween, also known as All Saints Day, falls on today. Last night, our friends, Ling and Bill, feted us to a delicious dinner comprising pizzas, sweet potato paste with marshmallow, bubor-chacha (a popular dessert back in Malaysia with beans and coconut milk, served cold), salad, and beef stew at their home. Wify and I partook of the vegetarian dishes only, as part of the 49-day mourning period for the recent passing of my late Father-in-law. For drinks, we had apple cider.

In the midst of our gastronomic pursuit, Bill brought out a cute looking bottle of Korean wine (Black raspberry, 15%) to the cheers of wify. The trio (with Ling) proceeded to share the bottle, toasting to each other's well being and good fortune. Keeping to my long-practiced tradition of abstinence from alcoholic intake, I watched with amusement, wondering what I have been missing.

Our gracious host, Bill, serving the apple cider, with the vegetarian and pepperoni pizzas, beef stew and salad ready to be savored.

Our family with the lady of the house, Ling, after the dinner, with the peony blossoms as backdrop.

On the way home, we stopped by CVS to buy candies in preparation for the trick or treat round that kids here are so enamored of. It used to be that kids would just look for houses with a pumpkin display at the door step for cue that the owners are fair game. Then I was told that these days they would just knock on every door that has light inside. So even though we do not have any pumpkin, we would be the last to disappoint any kid that comes a-calling.

Last weekend, Sophia, our Buddhist friend, dropped by to give wify a hair cut. This is the second time she has done that, but the first time was at her house. She has done a great job as revealed from the before and after shots. As for me, my barber for as long as I can remember has been and will be wify. I don't think I will ever be so at ease if it were somebody else ...

I think it's easy to tell which is before and which is after. The poncho-like outfit is Sophia's, kind of tell you that she's an old hand at this.

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