The advent of the digital camera has led to a flourish of home-bred photographers with nothing more than a steady hand and a keen eye for the Kodak moment. Being not afraid to make mistakes because they could just be erased with a simple "delete" key stroke has made for bolder experimentation at any setting, including while in a moving car. And that's Wify's department while I focus on steering the car. Here then are some of the results borne out of such fearless aim-and-shoot executions, with appropriate cropping in PAINT to focus on the message.
A berthed cruise ship seen while driving toward Miami Beach, it's distinct fish-tail top jutting skyward.
A scene on Miami Beach, with an American Flag staked into the ground announcing the July 4th weekend. The cordoned area on the right as marked by a traffic cone is a turtle nesting spot, sharing space with the humans.
The Beach Rules. Here "beach" can be either a noun or an adjective. Eitherway it is where sand, sun, surf converge to earn Florida the moniker, the Sunshine State. The 5am opening time means that visitors can laze on the beach while watching the sun rise.
The bamboo (?) facade, save for its color seen along the drive to Miami Beach.
There is a kind of hush ... (sign seen along the Ocean Drive next to Miami Beach).
These giraffes lookalikes are port cranes where the amount of containers moved is called the throughput (Port of Miami).
A garden maze that seems clear from the top (Vizcaya Museum, Miami).
Getting the feet wet is Wify's first taste of the waters of the Atlantic (at Miami Beach).
Wify let her footprints behind at Miami Beach. Sure they would be washed off during the next high tide as such is the impermanence of worldly things, but the imprint in the mind will tend to linger longer ...
A fleeting scene of the viaducts circumscribing a lens of sky and a piece of the Miami downtown.
Mom and daughter in the Orchidarium, Vizcaya Musem.
The moon bouncing off the highway deck, in broad daylight.
Beautiful photologue!
These photos are delightful. Miami looks lovely - I think we must try and get there from drizzly London one day!
Thanks, Yang-May, for visiting.
Miami does look lovely, but going there in the summer is wee bit too hot even for us from the Equatorial belt.
Ho ho!!! I really like that one of the moon!!! It looks so perfectly white that it doesn't look like the moon at all--interesting effect. I am so happy you guys were able to go there! That must've been fun, although I'm sure the heat sucked. I also like the first two photos, the cruise ship and the American flag in the sand.
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